What is PICI?
PICI – Produce Integrated Cultivation Instrument is a fresh produce vending machine, fully autonomous and fully monitored growing unit. PICI consolidates the entire supply chain, growing produce from seeds to harvest, providing safe, healthy, and fresh produce, 365 days a year to be located inside retailers’ stores and food services facilities.
A Produce Integrated Cultivation Instrument
The first of its kind fresh produce vending machine
Longer shelf Life

How does PICI work ?
PICI consolidates the entire supply chain, from seeds through a harvested and packaged produce.
Our proprietary growing capsule was developed and designed to secure qualitive growing process.
PICI aims to add nursery, greenhouse/open field, packaging facility and transportation to the logistics inside the retail store.
Secure supply, improve quality and transform farming to be more sustainability.

Consolidation of produce supply chain
PICI was developed to address the need of consolidation of the fresh produce supply chain into a single process and one place.
From Seeds capsulized into an easy-to use innovative germination process, growing stages that are monitored by smart and adoptive algorithms, sensors and machinery, optimization of space and maximizing yield by an advanced conveyance platform, together with robotic arm that harvest and pack marketable veggies.
PICI makes it happen
PICI makes it happen – it oversees the entire farming, packing and marketing process, eliminating labor involvement, keeping food safety at its highest
standard and providing fresh , safe and healthier produce year-around.